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After all the planning and preparation, how is your election going--right now?
You have spent countless hours and resources preparing for election day--now that it's here, how's it going? You've chosen your poll sites, delivered your machines, hired and trained workers to ensure everything moves quickly and effortlessly. So, is it working? How would you find out? If you scoure social media and news reports for issues at poll sites, you are way behind!
Imagine having software running in every poll site that tracks poll worker check-ins, average voter time in line and much more. With Election inSite, your poll workers have a valuable tool to track attendance, aid voters and transmit results; while you have a real-time window into each and every site. No need to bug anyone for an update--the data is at your fingertips--on any device, anywhere!
Shouldn't you be the first to know?
Your poll workers are busy using the Election inSite App recording valuable data and assisting voters. Now it is time to see your election in action! From the Election Command Center™, you can see a top-level snapshot of average voter wait times, poll worker attendance statistics and Election inSite App activity. Tap on any tile (from any device, anywhere) and you can drill down by political district.
You can tap your way down to the site level and explode the site detail view for a site-specific glimpse. From there, you can see real-time voter wait times for the site, a list of assigned workers and who specifically has shown up for work. Also see a list of messages sent to the site and which have been aknowledged by a poll worker.
All the data you need, wherever you need it.
Do you see something that requires attention? Need to communicate a last-minute change to a specific group of poll sites?
Election inSite gives you the power to target and message a group of poll sites as easily as you compose an email. Add political distric targets like you add recipients in your favorite email editor and then enter your critical message. As you add a target filter, we show you a list of poll sites that match.
Tablets in the site will alert poll workers that an urgent message requires their attention. When they view the message, an update is made back on your messaging screen. You can see which poll sites have opened the message and which still need to.
Election inSite provides the tools to spot potential issues and the ability to quickly and confidently act on it!